From Chickens to Change: How C-WINS Small-Scale Poultry Farming Transformed Lives in Kura and Takai

In Kura and Takai, local government areas of Kano State, women are leading economic growth and scoring nutrition goals with nothing more than a few dozen chicks and a wealth of determination.

Binta Idris, a mother of four from Kura, is one of these women. Just a year ago, her daily struggle was ensuring her children had enough to eat. With her husband’s irregular income, there were days when even one decent meal seemed like a luxury. But today, Banta’s life tells a different story—one of hope, empowerment, and transformation.

This change began with the Center for Well-being and Integrated Nutrition Solutions (C-WINS) project, supported by the World Bank’s Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) initiative. Recognizing the dire need for sustainable solutions to malnutrition and economic vulnerability, C-WINS embarked on an ambitious project: integrating small-scale poultry production with nutrition interventions.

Binta recalls the day C-WINS came to her village. “They brought us 25 chicks each and taught us how to care for them,” she says. “We learned about feeding, vaccination, and how to build coops. It was hard work, but we were determined to make it work.”

For Binta and 599 other women across Kura and Takai, this project was more than just poultry farming. It was a lifeline. Each woman received noiler chicks—a breed known for its high egg production and meat yield. C-WINS provided essential resources and training, ensuring the women were equipped to succeed.

The impact was immediate. Binta’s children, who once faced frequent hunger, now had a steady supply of eggs and chicken. “I give my children at least one egg every day,” Binta beams. “It’s a small thing, but it means so much. They are healthier, happier, and have more energy for school and play.”

Binta became pregnant during the implementation phase of the project, when the chicks could produce eggs, she also ate some and delivered a very healthy baby.

Economically, the benefits were just as profound. The extra eggs and chickens that Binta’s family didn’t consume were sold in the local market. “I sell the eggs for 200 Naira each,” Binta explains. “It doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up. With that money, I can buy other necessities for my family.”

Binta’s story is mirrored in households across Kura and Takai. Women, once limited by their circumstances, now contribute significantly to their families’ income and wellbeing. The project didn’t just improve nutrition and economic stability; it also fostered a sense of empowerment among the women.

Maryam, a participant from Takai, shares her experience: “I never thought I could do something like this. But now, I feel proud. I’m not just a mother and wife; I’m a provider. People in my community respect me more.”

However, the journey wasn’t without its challenges. Access to quality feed and veterinary services remained hurdles, but the support network established by C-WINS helped the women navigate these obstacles. Regular training sessions and continuous monitoring ensured that they could sustain their progress.

The ripple effects of this project are evident. Children are healthier, families are more financially secure, and women are empowered like never before. The community itself has become more cohesive, rallying around the success of these women.

As C-WINS looks to the future, the goal is to scale up this initiative, replicating its success in other communities facing similar challenges. The lessons learned here in Kura and Takai will guide these efforts, ensuring that more families can experience the transformative power of small-scale poultry farming.

For Binta, Maryam and their peers, this project was more than just about chickens. It was about reclaiming their dignity, securing their children’s futures, and transforming their communities from the ground up. “This is just the beginning,” Binta says with a smile. “We are building a better life, one egg at a time.”

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